Tuesday, 28 February 2012


My first 2hours in Canada were spent in Vancouver International Airport.  It turned out coming in wasn’t straight forward and spent that time in lines for immigration and waiting for officers to decide if my visa would be valid for working at Blueberry. Praise God that there is some law that allows people from NZ to work with Children in Canada without the medical check that I had not had. I now have a work permit in my passport saying I can work at SCA Blueberry Ministry Centre.

The plane that I went from San Fran to Vancouver. Stopping in Portland and Seattle
Once I made it out of immigration I was met by the Jim, Linda and Stephanie Loney. It was Stephanie’s birthday so we then went out for dinner.  Today Linda and Stephanie took me sightseeing around Vancouver. My favourite place was Lynn park and the suspension bridge. It was lovely to go for a walk in bush and see waterfalls. All our photos were done is quick snap fashion as the high for the day was 6^C. One of the last places we went was Granville Island - a very arty place that had a indoor market which was warm and full of interesting smells. 

Stephanie and Linda on the Suspension Bridge

Me in one of the many hollow trees.

Indoor market at Garnville Island

Early night tonight as early start to begin my last day of travel to get to Fort St John. 
Please pray for continued improving in health, safe travel for the last day and that I will be able to fit straight into life at Blueberry.


  1. You are always on my heart and in my prayers! You are being blessed with a very special time from the Lord... Enjoy every minute of it!

    Much love,

  2. Great to hear some news. It looks beautiful there. Hope there is an opportunity to rest and recover from your travels. Was lovely to see you in Nevada!

    Love Kirsty

  3. Great to hear you are having a fun time and that your state of health is improving.+6C positively tropical! Love the woodpecker holes in the tree. Was it Capilano bridge? Signs are honest - all good. Thinking of and praying for you lots. Love Ian & Cathie.
