Thursday, 12 June 2014

My Garden

The past months I have been enjoying the warmer weather and being able to work out in the garden. When we first moved in the ground was covered in snow and the garden box was full of dead grass. As soon as the ground was no longer frozen I got to work with pulling out the grass and roots. This was no small job but I got there.

A pile with some of the grass and roots pulled form the garden box
 With the warmer weather came a surprise. In the middle of the garden box sprung a rhubarb plant. This was not a small one and I decided that I would transplant it to leave more room for vegetables. My sister-in-law and her twins helped with this and we got it into its new home. It is growing well and I have already made a rhubarb pie from its produce.

The rhubarb plant as it started to appear from the ground.

Timothy and Lauren helping weed and transplant the rhubarb

The rhubarb doing  well in its new home beside the compost,
which is currently also an anthill.

Once the weeds were pulled, some new good soil mixed in it was time to plant some veggies. After 3 weeks, lots of watering and warm sunshine I have things growing. I am excited to watch them all grow and greatly look forward to when I can pick things to eat. 

The garden with three weeks growth.
Free accommodation when you visit FSJ if you can work out what is planted :-)

The garden out the front of the house. Has beans, along one side,
a flower bush (came out once warmed up) and two tomatoes.
I enjoy spending time weeding so that peas, carrots, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers and beetroot have room to grow and we have lots of fresh yummy things to eat for a time. The cucumber plants did not like the cold snap we had but some may yet survive. I did plant some flower seeds but they are either not coming or taking their time.

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