Wednesday, 26 December 2012

A White Christmas

I had said that I wanted a white Christmas and I certainly have had that. Christmas eve and Christmas day were both lovely days with some sun coming out but cold temperatures of -27. On Christmas eve some friends from church came around as well as Kevin's family and we had a lovely time.

Tina, Marjorie and I went snow shoeing which was a new experience for me. It was nice to be doing something outside and much easier than walking through approximately 4 feet deep snow without them. We ate a meal together before...
Singing songs (I played clarinet),

and reading the Christmas story.

And then we finished the evening with some games. Christmas day was similar. We went to Kevin's parents place and spent the day with his family. Had a lovely meal for lunch, then spent time singing and enjoying one another's company. 


This is a deer that has taken up residence in the yard. It just wandered past the house, while we were singing, after taking a rest at the hay bales by the horses.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Well the best way to describe the scenery here is snow. I think it is truly beautiful and my camera can never capture the real beauty of it but here are some photos of the what I am seeing....

Anyone for a picnic? There is a beautiful hoar frost in the background.

Being towed behind the skidoo. Karis is on skis I am in a sled with Trevor

We went skiing and this is the top of the green run.
It has a nice layer of powder.

The view of the house from the back of the yard.
You can see the machine shed and the workshop in the foreground.

When asked what I would like for Christmas I keep saying a white Christmas and I will definitely get that! The temperatures range from last week with a chinook and high of -3 and the lowest so far being -32. Despite what I try and claim sometimes I am adjusting to the climate even going out to the car without a hat and mitts. So hard to believe that it is the end of the year and Christmas is here.... where is summer?