Friday, 31 August 2012

Rolla VBS

The third VBS I helped at was at Rolla Baptist Church. It was such a wonderful week, the people were great to serve alongside and it was a joy to talk with the children about God. It was another Soccer VBS, I think I played and learnt more about soccer in those two weeks than what I have in the rest of my life.

The groups were spilt by age and gender. Along with another girl I had 11 7-8year old boys in my group. Most of them knew nothing about God so our small group time was spent explaining the memory verses while at the same time sharing the gospel. 

Doing a drill with the boys.
This was the only hot day all week.

Holding a black bears hand.
You may have guessed but it is no longer alive.
It had just been shot by the son at the house we were staying at.

The fresh produce given to me on my way home.
Included is a home butchered chicken, jam and bread rolls.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Soccer VBS

Another week of VBS has ended. This one was run by the church I go to and was a Soccer camp. It went each evening from 5:45-9. We had tactic sessions and games with singing, teaching and a memory verse in between sessions.

The weeks mega verse was: 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize. Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

A new technical skill being explained

Drills to put into practice the technical skill

Singing time in the tent

Monday, 13 August 2012

Water Fun

On the Saturday morning after VBS Mary and I were excited to be allowed to borrow some kayaks and go for a morning paddle. The water was like glass, and there were no other boats out on the lake. It was so nice to be back in a kayak and now I can say I have been kayaking on a lake in Canada.

In the afternoon we went with a group of friends tubing down the Horsefly river. It was a two hour drive each way and an hour and a half ride down the river. The scenary along the way was beautiful and we saw lots of wildlife. Four black bears, lots of squirrels (including one stuck on a rock in the middle of the river), a bob cat, dear, four point buck, eagles, and another huge bird which no one knew what it was that’s wing span was the width of the road.

This is a section of the road.
There was a black bear on the road right here.
The start.
The end.

Sunday morning I was sad to say goodbye to the Noble family and begin my way north again. It was an enjoyable busy but restful time. Tonight I will be helping with a VBS at the church I go to for the week. 


Another reason for going down was to help John with some work on his Piper Cub which he is restoring and trying to get back in the air. I did not get to do very much but was nice to do what I could to help. I forgot to take photo of it. 

I got to do something else with planes which was super cool. John took Stephanie up in the plane he is currently using. We got to see the area from the air. I even got to take the controls and fly for a little bit. After some side to side I got settled and flew straight and level. Cameron, who place we were staying at,flew his plane near by with Stephanie's mum.

This is Hope Haven, the camp that Mary, three of
her brothers and Andrea were at at the time.

The plane we flew in. Own by one of John's sons.

Vocational Bible School

Once of the main reasons for going down was to help with a Vocational Bible School at Akalai Lake Reserve. It was such a wonderful week. The VBS ran from 1-4pm Monday to Friday. Over the week we had 30 different children come for some length of time, of those only 2 came for each day. Being there has increased my love for the children and want to share Christ with more who have not heard about God. Some had some knowledge others knew nothing at all. Each day we did singing, teaching, a puppet talk, memory verse, games, a craft and snack time. Below are some photos of these things.

Akalai Lake Reserve from the air.
The white rectangle in lower middle is the ice rink in winter and it was
in the changing room next to it that we had VBS

Two days after VBS we went with the kids down to the creek and hung out with them. It was lots of fun and some of the most intense water fights I have had. They seem to love us coming with them. By mid-week come of the children would be waiting for us to arrive and then would jump in the van with Sungbae and Stephanie and go door to door inviting others to come.

During the week we stayed at a couples place that was 25mins from the reserve on gravel road. Meals times could include up to 17 people and it was fun helping with making breakfast and lunch each day. We were a real mixture of people, John and Cynthia (Mary and Stephens parents who are SCA field missionaries), a mother and daughter from their house church, a Korean who is from Vancouver and a native guy who is currently a music student. I am so thankful for the time that we were able to have together serving God at Akalai Lake.
The house where we stayed with the owners place out front.
To the left of the drive is his hanger.

Road Trip

This will be the first of several updates about my adventures over the last two weeks.
Mary, Stephen, Andrea and I headed south after camp had finished. My car was very full, with every last square inch of the boot space used up. My boot would not open so we had carefully pack every though the back doors with the seats down. When Andrea arrived with her things she walked up and opened the boot! It was an eventful trip. The first day we drove only what was meant to be two hours to Chetwyn to stay with some friends from camp.

Before we got into Chetwyn the fun begun. There had been an accident so the road was closed. The friend whose parents place we were to stay at was also stuck in the line so took us for a little detour to get around. Below is the track we took off the main road, it took us around a farmer’s fields and down his drive back onto the main road on the other side of the accident.

There was more fun once at the house. Their section backs on to crown land with bush. After dinner we went up to have a go on the zip line that they had set up. The zip line goes from the top of the fort which is about 30ft up. There are several forts and walkways going between them and then swings made from car seats which are high up and then swing really high. It was certainly a lot of fun.

The next day we drove 7 hours to McLeese Lake to Mary and Stephens family's place. This was a less eventful day.