Wednesday, 26 December 2012

A White Christmas

I had said that I wanted a white Christmas and I certainly have had that. Christmas eve and Christmas day were both lovely days with some sun coming out but cold temperatures of -27. On Christmas eve some friends from church came around as well as Kevin's family and we had a lovely time.

Tina, Marjorie and I went snow shoeing which was a new experience for me. It was nice to be doing something outside and much easier than walking through approximately 4 feet deep snow without them. We ate a meal together before...
Singing songs (I played clarinet),

and reading the Christmas story.

And then we finished the evening with some games. Christmas day was similar. We went to Kevin's parents place and spent the day with his family. Had a lovely meal for lunch, then spent time singing and enjoying one another's company. 


This is a deer that has taken up residence in the yard. It just wandered past the house, while we were singing, after taking a rest at the hay bales by the horses.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Well the best way to describe the scenery here is snow. I think it is truly beautiful and my camera can never capture the real beauty of it but here are some photos of the what I am seeing....

Anyone for a picnic? There is a beautiful hoar frost in the background.

Being towed behind the skidoo. Karis is on skis I am in a sled with Trevor

We went skiing and this is the top of the green run.
It has a nice layer of powder.

The view of the house from the back of the yard.
You can see the machine shed and the workshop in the foreground.

When asked what I would like for Christmas I keep saying a white Christmas and I will definitely get that! The temperatures range from last week with a chinook and high of -3 and the lowest so far being -32. Despite what I try and claim sometimes I am adjusting to the climate even going out to the car without a hat and mitts. So hard to believe that it is the end of the year and Christmas is here.... where is summer?

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

2596 kilometres

That is approximately how the distance that was travelled during Kelssa's stay. During that time we did lots of talking, driving, seeing sights and playing in the snow. 

Kels in front of my vehicle which she had just driven from Edmonton.
She did about half of the driving on our road trip.

Getting close to Jasper. These are the Rockies, the first
mountains I had seen since arriving here.

On our walk in Jasper we found some mountain sheep.
They have big round horns that make you stay away.

Me with the view of Jasper township in the background.
As you can see there was not a lot of snow here.

Maligne Caynon. It was so cool with some of the water frozen
with other parts still flowing.

There was a lot more snow at home. This is standing at the machine shed
where I park my car looking across the yard to the house.

We went to camp for a tour and sledding and then buried Kelssa in the snow.
Pepsi was wondering what was going on.

Then it was my turn. Thankfully Pepsi wanted to let me out.
It was not as warm as I was told it would be.

I am very thankful to have had Kelssa visit me. It was a wonderful time.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Three Hills

Last week I got to go Three Hills, Alberta with the family that I live with. It was as 12 hour drive with the landscape getting flatter the whole way. We went to Calgary for a day trip and saw lots of cool things and I got to spend time with my friend Mary who goes to Bible School there. I went along to some of her classes, and hung out. 

It a Bull Moose, I saw it......Ok so it was in a giant outdoor store that had lots of  scenes with animals throughout the store.
Standing on the glass floor up the Calgary tower.
The view was amazing in all directions.
We watched the longest train ever go under building and through town.

We visited an Aero Space Museum which was super cool.

Me explaining the the children in the family how the
sleeve value cylinder engine worked.
It had a button to make the piston and value move.

One view of the flatness in the sunset. 

There was free public skating in Three Hills on Sunday night so with my $3 second hand shop skates Mary and I went skating. This is her helping me tie the skates. My fingers were a little cold after walking there in something like -16 degrees.

My first time ever on ice skates. It was lots of fun.
I didn't fall once and got a little hot in my 6  layers.

It was a fun trip and I am looking forward to seeing more things when Kelssa comes tomorrow. 

Monday, 5 November 2012

Winter Kids Camp

Winter was here for the winter camps that actually is technically fall aka autumn. Two weeks before camp I did not think it was going to happen but God sent children and provided the staff needed so it was all go.

Morning devotions with my four staff. There were also two in the kitchen. It was an answer to prayer to have the last guy. Only got the call at 4pm saying he was coming, camp started at 6:30

Getting their gear on ready to go out and play in the snow

Sledding down the big hill.

Chapel. We had chapel three times which included singing, lesson and memory verse.

Due to the coldness cabins can not be used. This is the girls make shift cabin (corner of lodge in chapel area) . The boys were in the craft room in the basement.

Some free time inside spent in the games room

A version of tag played in snow with channels that you have to stay in.

A snow sculpture competition. This one was epic. It is an igloo. Notice the sign on front, the trees in yard, firewood pile and then there is a sled dog with sled and a ninja on top (the team name was flying pillow ninjas)

A summery of the camp would be it was lots of fun.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


ROOTS is a discipleship group for teenage girls with the goal that together we might grow to trust and hope in God as we study His Word, so that in all situations we might bear godly fruit. We are meeting weekly on a Monday night from 7-8:30pm at the BMC Lodge for a time of music, study and prayer.

This is what I am up to on my Monday nights, plus the time that is spent in preparing for leading the study. I am thankful to God that Tina comes and helps me to lead the group. There are seven 13-17 year old girls who come along, all with enthusiasm to be doing the study. We have now met for three weeks and there was more interaction happening this week. We are working through the study "Pursuit of Holiness" by Jerry Bridges, it is a challenge for me also!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


The snow has arrived. This is what we woke up to this morning. 

Racking leaves into a huge pile so....
And only four days ago we were doing this....
We could jump into them from the tree.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Harvest Time

Autumn is most definitely here. The trees are turning bright yellow and the occasional red. After a cold snap it is staying very nice and warm, mid to high twenties. Something I have never connected with Autumn is harvest but now is has much more meaning. 

This picture was taken when we stopped for dinner after finishing the field. Food was brought out to us then we moved to the next field. I am in the blue t-shirt in front of the green combine. I drove both this one and the red one next to it. I also drove the white grain truck. All of it was lots of fun. I have spent about 20hours in the field in 2 days.

I have come to realise that the life of a farmer is very dependant on God, both for a good crop and the weather to harvest it. We praise God for the weather of late and pray that it will continue. 

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Northern Lights

Isaiah 40:25-26
"To whom then will you liken Me,
Or to whom shall I be equal?" says the Holy One.
Lift up your eyes on high,
And see who has created these things,
Who brings out their host by number;
He calls them by name,
By the greatness of His might
And the strength of His power;
Not one is missing.

Last night on my drive home from Bible study I got to watch some Northern Lights. They were just so amazing and beautiful and made me marvel at our God. The beauty of this display in the sky is miniscle in comparison to God. I want to stop, as I did on the road to watch the sky, and see the greatness of God in my life each and every day.

Unfortunately my camera is not capable of taking a good picture of the Northern lights dancing across the sky but it did capture something else up high.

I have had the joy of helping this family build their house on some of my free days. This was on Monday helping put the pine boards on the roof. The top point is 35feet.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Rolla VBS

The third VBS I helped at was at Rolla Baptist Church. It was such a wonderful week, the people were great to serve alongside and it was a joy to talk with the children about God. It was another Soccer VBS, I think I played and learnt more about soccer in those two weeks than what I have in the rest of my life.

The groups were spilt by age and gender. Along with another girl I had 11 7-8year old boys in my group. Most of them knew nothing about God so our small group time was spent explaining the memory verses while at the same time sharing the gospel. 

Doing a drill with the boys.
This was the only hot day all week.

Holding a black bears hand.
You may have guessed but it is no longer alive.
It had just been shot by the son at the house we were staying at.

The fresh produce given to me on my way home.
Included is a home butchered chicken, jam and bread rolls.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Soccer VBS

Another week of VBS has ended. This one was run by the church I go to and was a Soccer camp. It went each evening from 5:45-9. We had tactic sessions and games with singing, teaching and a memory verse in between sessions.

The weeks mega verse was: 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize. Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

A new technical skill being explained

Drills to put into practice the technical skill

Singing time in the tent

Monday, 13 August 2012

Water Fun

On the Saturday morning after VBS Mary and I were excited to be allowed to borrow some kayaks and go for a morning paddle. The water was like glass, and there were no other boats out on the lake. It was so nice to be back in a kayak and now I can say I have been kayaking on a lake in Canada.

In the afternoon we went with a group of friends tubing down the Horsefly river. It was a two hour drive each way and an hour and a half ride down the river. The scenary along the way was beautiful and we saw lots of wildlife. Four black bears, lots of squirrels (including one stuck on a rock in the middle of the river), a bob cat, dear, four point buck, eagles, and another huge bird which no one knew what it was that’s wing span was the width of the road.

This is a section of the road.
There was a black bear on the road right here.
The start.
The end.

Sunday morning I was sad to say goodbye to the Noble family and begin my way north again. It was an enjoyable busy but restful time. Tonight I will be helping with a VBS at the church I go to for the week.